Wednesday, October 28, 2009

It's been a while......Fall is here

Wow, it's been months since I have posted anything on here. Lets see, so much has happend since April. We moved in May so Cora is now at a new school. She seems to be adjusting, especially to 4th grade. She got her first report card for this year and did very well. She's made lots and lots of friends and spends alot of time outside playing with them. She learned how to ride the bike that her dad got her for her birthday and has plenty of room here to ride it. She joined the chorus group at school... she is very excited about that. Her first concert is Dec 9. She's become so much more independent in the past few months and swears she is always right... and i'm sure that is only gonna get worse as she gets older.

Damien turned 3 in September and my has he GROWN!! He's starting potty training now and he eats like he's never full.. luckily it's mostly healthy stuff. He loves fruits and vegetables. And his terrible two's actually weren't so bad compared to the now tortureous three's!!! He knows how to throw fits and let me tell you - it's not fun at all! He's also very independent. Thankfully he doesn't watch the movie CARS 6 times a day anymore. He loves playing with his cousin Tyler and can't wait for Tyler and Cora to get home from school